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Taylor Swift - Am I Ready For Love

Am I Ready For Love
Dodano: 24 października 2015

Odsłon: 2 213

Opis piosenki:

Piosenka autorstwa Taylor Swift.

Tekst piosenki:

Sometimes I wonder how's it gonna feel
Will my first love be true and real
Will I be ready when my heart starts to fall
What will I do when my love comes to call
And my daddy tells me that I light up his world
Everday he says, "Darlin you're my best girl."
He tried to teach me from the very start
The meaning of love so nobody breaks my heart
Will my love come in a bowl of fire
Will it be filled with hope and desire
Will my love come in the pourin rain
Am I ready for the joy
Am I ready for the pain
Am I ready for the boy
Am I ready for love....for love
I know I'm not a little girl anymore
Cause I'm feelin things I've never felt before
Sweet sensations and anticipations
Calling commotion to my emotions
And I hear the words my daddy said to me
He said be true to yourself and keep your spirit free
And love will find you one way or another
Be good to yourself and be good to eachother
Will my love come in a bowl of fire
Will it be filled with hope and desire
Will my love come in the pourin rain
Am I ready for the joy
Am I ready for the pain
Am I ready for the boy
Am I ready for love....for love
It's a run around the world and it's movin so fast
Though I wanna find a love that's gonna last
A love so strong that it can withstand
The weight of this world in the palm of its hand
Will my love come in a bowl of fire
Will it be filled with hope and desire
Will my love come in the pourin rain
Am I ready for the joy
Am I ready for the pain
Am I ready for the boy
Am I ready for this game
Am I ready for the kiss
Am I ready for the stars
Am I ready for the bliss
Am I ready for love....for love


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