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Taylor Swift - Better Off

Better Off
Dodano: 5 listopada 2015

Odsłon: 2 268

Opis piosenki:

Piosenka autorstwa Taylor Swift.

Tekst piosenki:

I live down the street in a broken down house
And a car up on blocks in the driveway
The moment we meet there was never a doubt
That we won’t forget this Sunday
It starts with a smile and a walk in miles
And it all leads to this - our first kiss
All my friends are saying
Girl what are you thinking
You’re better off, you’re better off without him.
Find yourself another
Girl, that boy is trouble
You’re better off, you’re better off
They can talk forever, they just don’t know better.
We drive around town in a rusty old truck
Somehow it feels like we’re flying
Don’t wanna come down
But they make it so tough
Just everyone we know is trying
To push us apart hidden down in our hearts
And they get what they want cause you're gone
All my friends are saying
Girl why are you crying
You’re better off, you’re better off without him.
Find yourself another
Girl, that boy is trouble
You’re better off, you’re better off
They can talk forever, they just don’t know better.
You come to my door
In the pouring rain
We know what we don’t have to say
You hand me a rose and a note that says
We don’t have to do things their way
All my friends are saying
Girl what are you thinking
You’re better off, you’re better off without him.
Find yourself another
Girl, that boy is trouble
You’re better off, you’re better off
Well they can talk forever, they just don’t know better.


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